Sneaky Vampire Syndicate: The Sneaky Vampiress Mint

Sneaky Vampire Syndicate
3 min readFeb 21, 2022


Today is the day — the release of the Sneaky Vampiress Syndicate!

As we are approaching our pre-sale mint for The Vampiresses, we thought it would be appropriate to condense all the relevant information about our Generation 2 SVS release in a direct, simple to read Medium article.

Everything you will need to know about the Holder/Whitelist/Presale Mint, Public Sale & Vampiress Perks, Utilities and The Blood Pact is detailed below, this is your one-stop guide to the Vampiresses!

Sparkle Vampiress

Whitelist & Holder Presale:

  • Begins: 21st February 2022 at 3pm EST.
  • Runs for 24 hours.
  • Whitelist & Holder Presale is a max *1 Per Whitelist or Vampire Held*

Public Sale:

  • Begins: 22nd February 2022 at 4pm EST.
  • Runs until Sold Out.
  • Public Sale is a max *3 Per Transaction*

Total Supply: 12,345, split between:

  • Holders: 8,888
  • Whitelist: 1,900
  • Reserved for Giveaways/Marketing: 200
  • Public Sale: 1,357 + Any Left from Holders & Whitelist
Succubus Vampiress

Now that the details are out of the way: we want to introduce you to the three main features of the Vampiresses (announced so far!):

The Blood Pact
Perhaps the most well known utility of the Vampiresses is when it comes to The Blood Pact. Once The Blood Pact is released, Vampiresses will be able to “perform a ritual” with their Vampire counterparts in order to produce [REDACTED].

The Sneaky Bats don’t want to miss out either — they are also involved in The Blood Pact; with holders being able to add them in to increase trait carryover between the Vampire & Vampiresses!

Fine details are yet to be confirmed for The Blood Pact, and will be released closer to the time that the ritual is ready to be performed!

Perfect Pair
The Vampiress that your Vampire mints will be its “Perfect Pair!”. What does this mean?

Elaborating on The Blood Pact; if the ritual is performed between a “Perfect Pair”, they will enjoy benefits as they are so compatible!

If a Perfect Pair performs the ritual, they will:

  • Enjoy a 50% cost reduction for the ritual.
  • Enjoy a 50% cool down timer for the ritual compared to what it originally would have been.

Similar to The Blood Pact; we will still be rolling out more information closer to the time the ritual is able to be performed. Stay tuned!

Devouring The Bats
The Vampiresses hold a lot of unique utilities that Vampires don’t have access to. All we can really say is… if you’re fond of your cute bat companions, you better watch them closely!

More information on the the Vampiresses Unique Utility will be announced soon… keep a close watch on your bats, you never know what the Sneaky Vampiresses are planning…

Shadow Vampiress

Charitable Donations

Similar to after our Vampire mint: we will be making a charitable donation after our Vampiress release to a female-oriented organisation.

This will be our first vote in the reintroduced DAO, allowing you to choose which charity from a pre-selected list we should donate to! More information on the selected charities will be released after the Vampiress mint.

Our Generation 2 Vampiress release has been a long time coming, it was planned for December 2021 but we decided that we wanted it to be as perfect as possible and here we are today!

As we head into mint we just want to give a huge thanks to everyone in the community, old and new, for all the support you have given us until now. We have truly built something special and we couldn’t be more excited to progress forward and grow our ecosystem together!



Sneaky Vampire Syndicate

8,888 Sneaky Vampires living their best life in the Syndicate.